Campaigning For President Political Memorabilia Book

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This is an a brand new hardbound deluxe book "Campaigning For President - Memorabilia from the Nation's finest private collection. 291 pages of beautiful photographs of some of the world's most interesting political memorabilia items. Based on the author's extraordinary personal collection of presidential election memorabilia, this book tells the colorful story of how presidents (and their losing rivals) have wooed voters since America was founded. These objects--from posters and paper dresses to ice-cream bars, sunglasses, and (of course) buttons--form a fascinating, moving, sometimes funny, sometimes outrageous physical record of the past. Author Wright makes it clear that money didn't become important just in recent elections, and that candidates--and their minions--have sometimes been willing to gloss over the fine points or get very creative in their self-representation in attempts to win the presidency. Full of entertaining stories about the elections and the memorabilia, this book provides insight into America's most important achievement--our democratic system.--From publisher description. Original Publisher's price $35.00


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