
Customer Testimonials

LoriFerber.com is the first place I go to when searching for presidential memorabilia.. I can trust anything I order from LoriFerber.com
I received my order and its awesome, so cool! Thank you so much.
Lori, you're the greatest!!! This is surely a big help on our quest to get such items to good homes.
Frank & Pam
Hi, Lori. Absolutely beautiful-and beautifully framed as well. Thank you so much!
Lori: I just wanted to send you a huge thanks, as the commemorative bear arrived this morning - it's just absolutely perfect.
Lori: It has been a pleasure to do business with a company that obviously has such high values and service
Dear Lori, Thank you for everything, especially the quick priority shipping and the great job of packaging. You have been the most professional of sellers and I appreciate it.
I received it yesterday, thank you so much for sending it so quickly!! I'm thrilled, and absolutely LOVE it! Thank you again!!
Mary M.
Thank you so much! It is nice experiencing great customer service in a world that seems to have forgotten it is more than a phrase!
S. D.
Lori, I cannot wait to place my next order! Thanks again for your advice. I look forward to placing my next order.
N. R.
Thank you very much for your assistance in making sure that the gift is now perfect. I have been spreading the word about the excellent customer service I've received from you
A. H.
Lori: Thank you ever so much for the Presidential Inaugural Invitation. I was moved because it means so very much to me. I was in Washington D.C. last year during the inauguration, however, I had been hoping to eventually obtain something this special (I even wrote to my Congressman and others). Again, thank you so much and may you have continued success in your business in the coming years.
Lori & Steve: Your honesty and integrity are inspiring and conducive to an ongoing business relationship.
Lori: After weeks of research, asking for referrals and conducting a competitive analysis - I landed with Lori Ferber Collectibles.My journey has been wonderful to say the least Steve & Lori are excellent!
B. G.
Lori, The poster arrived late yesterday afternoon. It is hanging on my wall, and it looks absolutely fantastic! I smile when I see the President staring down at me as I am sitting at my desk. Thanks so much! Well done! Best, Mike B
Mike B
I appreciate everything - the speedy response, the customer service, and of course, the product itself. Often, I'm skeptical and think that online testimonials only post the positive feedback, or even make up feedback. I can tell from the service I received that not only were these testimonials legitimate (just like your products), but it is likely they are all so positive because I can't imagine you getting a negative review. Thank you so much. It was a pleasure working with you. This is how customer service is supposed to look and it is so refreshing! I'll certainly be back to purchase additional gifts for my history-buff boyfriend in the future.
- Shoshana, Golden Valley Minnesota
I just want to thank you for my recent order of political pins. I happen to stumble on your Website and glad I did. The items were just as advertised- and I will be ordering in the near future. Thanks again, Scott
Scott K
I want to thank you both for your wonderful business. With my being deeply involved in the Political arena your business feeds to my love for Politics, I enjoy getting a hold of great Political Items that are part of History collecting these treasures are a personal Hobby to me! I have ordered from you both on a number of occasions and I have to say that I am truly amazed and I appreciate everything - the speedy response, to the great customer service, the speedy arrival of items purchased arriving on time to my doorstep when promised, and more. Thank again for all that you both do for this Country through your wonderful business. I endorse Lori Ferber Collectibles!
Walter S, Michigan
Hi Lori & Team I have purchased items from you over the years, since what I guess was your beginning days. All items come perfect - they are what you say - I appreciate each purchase. Is there a website where I can say “ Lori and her team are amazing as are the items I purchase”….or something similar. If so, I’m happy to do that !! All my best, John W California
John W
"I wanted to thank you for your reply and the generous information you provided. It enriches our understanding of our history and gives us a path forward. You are most kind to share your time and expertise. Such interesting times we have lived...."                                                              -Kelli, Lake Michigan
Kelli, Lake Michigan
Lori & Steve-- I want to say many, many thanks for the way you handled my Hoover item consignment. You listed it promptly, described it in a way that accurately explained its quality and value, and sold it quickly at a top price--far beyond my expectations. I couldn't be happier and would recommend you highly to anyone who wants to consign items with Lori Ferber Collectibles. Thanks again!
Jeff, Arizona
Lori: In this day and age where the post office is strained to the max, it is so nice to have a company that clearly values getting their product to their customers! Thanks! Mike B. Maine
Mike from Maine
Thank you so much, Lori. I received the payment by PayPal. You made that so easy, I will definitely keep you in mind for anything else I need to sell!
Valorie. North Carolina